Lower Bremo Barn
Welcome to Bremo Trees
The estate of Bremo began as a land grant gifted to Richard Cocke by the King of England in 1725. By the early 1800’s, Richard’s great-grandson General John Hartwell Cocke moved to Bremo from his home in Jamestown. General Cocke was an influential Virginian who was instrumental in the founding of the University of Virginia. He was also architecturally gifted, overseeing construction of the University of Virginia as well as 1815 stone barn where the Bremo Trees’ office is now located.
Bremo Trees is a 250-acre family-owned nursery located on a 750 acre historic plantation in central Virginia. At the nursery, we grow over 100 varieties of broadleaf trees, evergreens, and shrubs. Our manageable size and rich soils allow us to produce a diverse pallet of high quality trees and shrubs. We also place a strong emphasis upon customer service and strive to “grow” relationships one at a time. Continue reading about us.
Where Nature & Agriculture Meet
While the heavy use of pesticides is a common nursery practice, at Bremo Trees we take our commitment to sustainability and the environment very seriously. We are aware of the diverse interactions and relationships that exist between each tree and a multitude of other organisms, from birds and pollinators, to filamentous fungal networks that exist in the soil and allow plant to plant communications. As stewards of the earth and members of a greater community, we seek above all else to minimize any adverse impact our actions as growers might have upon these key relationships and the environment as a whole. It is our goal to grow strong, vigorous trees, which are less susceptible to pests and are active participants in the local environment.
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From the Blog

As both a plant buyer and a nursery manager, I have spent the past twenty years buying, selling, and growing trees. During this time, […]
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Prior to the arrival of the fungal pathogen Dutch Elm Disease (DED) in 1930, American Elm (Ulmus americana) were widely planted as street trees […]
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The common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) is a large deciduous tree, native to the midwestern and eastern states of the United States. While commonly found in rich […]
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